Gitelman syndrome patient event

Our research team were excited to welcome a group of patients and their family members from the Royal Free Hospital NHS Tubular Clinic into the laboratory space last month. It was tough to hear about the challenges of living with a renal tubular disorder, as well as the impact it can have across family members and generations. We were able to talk through some of the projects we have running in the groups to try and improve our understanding of these diseases, including demonstrating some of the new equipment we have acquired. 

The afternoons were topped off by generous contributions of urine from several of the patients, which Eunice and Alessandra are using to isolate and culture renal tubular cells for further study.  

If you would be interested in hearing more about the work we do, or would be interested in attending a future Patient and Public Engagement event, then please get in touch via the “contact us” page.  


Ben Walsh was awarded the Osler Prize 2023


UK Kidney Week 2023 - Newport, Wales